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Author: ahmad faraz

Darussalam Publishers > Articles by: ahmad faraz
The Rise of Islamic Podcasts and Audiobooks: How are Muslims Consuming Knowledge Today?

The Rise of Islamic Podcasts and Audiobooks: How are Muslims Consuming Knowledge Today?

In today's digital age, Muslim audiences are increasingly embracing podcasts and audiobooks for their Islamic knowledge needs. The portability of these formats allows Muslims to learn on the go, while the on-demand nature caters to busy schedules and personalized learning…

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The Future of Islamic Publishing: Trends and Predictions

The Future of Islamic Publishing: Trends and Predictions

The Islamic publishing industry has a rich and long history, dating back to the dawn of Islam itself. From the meticulous preservation of the Quran to the vast libraries of Islamic scholarship, publishing has played a crucial role in transmitting…

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The Impact of Islamic Books on Interfaith Dialogue

The Impact of Islamic Books on Interfaith Dialogue

In our increasingly interconnected world, fostering understanding between different faiths is crucial for promoting peace and social cohesion. Interfaith dialogue, the respectful exchange of ideas and beliefs between followers of various religions, plays a vital role in this endeavor. Islamic…

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Building a Strong Brand Identity as an Islamic Bookseller

Building a Strong Brand Identity as an Islamic Bookseller

In today's digital age, Islamic booksellers need more than just a well-stocked inventory. Cultivating a captivating brand identity is crucial for attracting customers, fostering trust, and establishing yourself as a go-to source for Islamic knowledge and inspiration. This strategic guide…

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The Evolving Landscape of Islamic Book Distribution

The Evolving Landscape of Islamic Book Distribution

The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said, “Man Salaka Tariqan Yaltamِis fihi 'ilman Sahhalla Allahu Lahu Tariqan ila al-Jannah”,"Whoever takes a path to seek knowledge, Allah will make the path to Paradise easy for him" (Sahih al-Bukhari, Hadith No. 192). This Hadith…

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Effective Marketing Strategies for Islamic Books

Effective Marketing Strategies for Islamic Books

Marketing plays a vital role in the success of any book, including those within the Islamic genre. In today's digital age, authors and publishers have a plethora of tools and strategies at their disposal to effectively promote Islamic books and…

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Common Mistakes Made by Aspiring Islamic Book Authors

Common Mistakes Made by Aspiring Islamic Book Authors

In the realm of Islamic literature, aspiring authors often embark on a journey to share their knowledge, insights, and spiritual experiences through books. However, this path is not without its challenges. Many authors, especially those new to the field, make…

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The Importance of Islamic Book Design

The Importance of Islamic Book Design

In the vast world of Islamic scholarship, the written word holds immense importance. From the sacred text of the Quran to historical accounts and contemporary Islamic thought, books serve as vessels of knowledge and guidance. But the message within an…

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The Power of Islamic Books in Charitable Giving

The Power of Islamic Books in Charitable Giving

Charity, a core tenet of Islam, plays a vital role in Muslim life. Muslims are encouraged to give generously, both through obligatory alms (Zakat) and voluntary charity (Sadaqah). Islamic books serve as a powerful tool in fostering a spirit of…

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How Technology is Reshaping Islamic Learning

From Mosques to Mobile Apps: How Technology is Reshaping Islamic Learning

For centuries, Islamic learning has thrived within the walls of mosques, guided by scholars and fueled by the shared experience of study groups. But the digital age has ushered in a new era, where mobile apps, online courses, and virtual…

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